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Proyecto Erasmus+ Movilidades 2015

A quien pueda interesar.

Desde un centro de formación TIC se desea contactar con empresas para que 6 alumnos hagan prácticas profesionales no laborales en empresas de la Unión Europea.

El objeto del correo es solicitar su colaboración en la búsqueda de empresas interesadas en acoger alumnos de las especialidades de:

La duración de las prácticas es de tres meses, preferiblemente de septiembre a noviembre de este año. Deseamos que se incorporaren a proyectos o nuevos encargos en departamentos que pudieran guiarles, para que desempeñen un trabajo real y válido para la empresa.

Estas prácticas las gestionamos a través de un proyecto de movilidades de Erasmus+ para Formación profesional, por tanto todos los gastos de los alumnos están subvencionados. La empresa no tendría que pagar nada. Sólo debe comprometerse a guiar con un tutor el trabajo del alumno y a certificar, al final, las tareas realizadas.

El beneficio para la empresa es, por un lado, la productividad de los alumnos, que se pueden adaptar rápidamente a la dinámica laboral, ya que son personas adultas. Otro beneficio es utilizar el tiempo de prácticas como un periodo de prueba para una posible selección de personal futura.

Los alumnos tendrán un conocimiento de inglés similar al B2 (intermedio).

Adjuntamos carta de presentación en inglés por si le puede resultar de utilidad y la presentación del centro.

Ante cualquier duda, por favor, contacte con nosotros.

Un cordial saludo.

Erasmus+ Project

To whom it may concern.

From the ICT training centre in Spain. The reason for this message is seeking partners for a mobility project, through which our students can do their training practices in graphic design or web pages.

  • Web Creation and Publication. (see below)
  • Graphic Product Design.(see below)

The aim of The ICT training center in Getafe (Spain) is to encourage quality employment in the ICT field (see on the web: We would like to participate in an Erasmus+ project, (for trainees with a level similar of VET ), funded by the European Commission, in order to organize training practices.

We would like to know if your organization might be interested in receiving any of our students for internships.

The internships will be conducted for 12 weeks during the months of September to December approximately.

The most important task you should do is:

  • Guide learning and practical realization of the student’s work by a tutor who supervises him.
  • You should also certify the skills acquired by the student with the Europass certificate and collaborate with some administrative procedures.
  • In addition, collaboration in finding accommodation and in guidance on the maintenance and transport within the city to the student will be appreciated.

Students are fellows with a grant funded by the European Social Fund for travel, accommodation and meals.

Thanking you in advance for your attention.

If you need more information, please contact us:


The holder of this certificate will have acquired the general competence create and publish websites, including text, images and other elements, using appropriate markup and publishing language, according to the usability specifications given; and to carry out the installation and verification procedures on the websites in the corresponding server.

This general competence is divided into the following skills units (UC):
• Construct websites (UC0950_2).
• Integrate software components into websites (UC0951_2).
• Publish websites (UC0952_2).

The professional skills are acquired through the learning outcomes defined within the related Training Modules (MF):
• Construction of websites (MF0950_2).
• Integration of software components into websites (MF0951_2).
• Publishing of websites (MF0952_2).
• Practical training at the workplace in Website creation and publication (MP0278)

As a reference, the learning outcomes include in the Practical training at the workplace that complete and reinforce the learning outcomes acquired in the other training modules, are:
- Create, retouch and integrate software components into websites, in accordance with the design specifications received by the company.
- Publish websites following the specifications of the system administrator and business procedures.
- Take part in the company's working processes, following the rules and instructions established at the workplace.


The holder of this certificate will have acquired the general competence to develop graphic projects based on initial product specifications; prepare sketches, select and adapt colour, images and typefaces; create graphic elements, mock-ups and final designs; use software tools; prepare budgets according to the characteristics of the project and check the quality of the final product.

This general competence is divided into the following skills units (UC):
• Develop graphic product projects (UC0696_3).
• Treat images and create graphic elements with the appropriate colour management parameters (UC0697_3).
• Compose graphic elements, images and texts according to the theory of typographic architecture and layout (UC0698_3).
• Prepare and check the final artwork before distribution (UC0699_3).

The professional skills are acquired through the learning outcomes defined within the related Training Modules (MF):
• Graphic project (MF0696_3).
• Creative publication of images and design of graphic elements (MF0697_3).
• Typographical architecture and layout (MF0698_3).
• Preparation of final artwork (MF0699_3).
• Practical training at the workplace in graphic product design (MP0312)